Release date: 2022-08-31
New feature: |
UserScripts can not be used from Firmware version 1.5.0, use LARA (Lightware Advanced Room Automation) configurations instead
LARA v1.1.0. has been integrated into Taurus v1.5.0
For more information please visit:
Packages for Taurus UCX and Taurus MMX2 are separated from Firmware version 1.5.0.
Please download the specific firmware package for your product.
Device label will not be overwritten when cloning configuration.
Please ignore the warning in LDC / Bulk Management
Stability improvements have been added
Known issue: |
Soft reboot of the Taurus / MMX2 takes longer by 2 minutes than usual. Hard reboot (e.g. a power cycle) is faster than the soft one.